This is totally aging myself, but do any of y'all remember that commercial about the hamburger that three old ladies are eating? One of the ladies (at least ninety) opens the bun up and says in a resounding voice that is at odds with her small stature, "Where's the beef?!"
haha. I love it. And that's a little bit how I feel about men. "Where's the quality men?!" I know my posts seem to be alot about guys, and how they make me weak kneed, but I'm single. I have mom friends who write about spit up and diapers. I have newly married friends who write about their newly married life. When you blog, you write about what you are experiencing in life. I am experiencing SINGLENESS! Ugh i hate even writing it. It looks so lonely and I visualize a big fat F right beside my name in the relationship guide to life. I am pretty good at being single. I have my own thing going on. I don't even want to get married anytime soon. The thought of babies makes me start hyperventilating. There goes my freedom. I just am ready for a man. But where are these men? I see and come across a lot of pansy faced mama's boys. That is not attractive to this strong woman. I want myself a Charleston Heston.
Smoldering glare. Slight smirk. He was no shy boy. He always saved the heroine and killed the ants (What movie? Anyone know?) President of the NRA. Married a very long time. Conservative. Strong and tall. Be still my throbbing heart.
I don't know what happened between then and now. But men are no longer leaders. Women more often wear the pants. Men are lazy. Men haven't grown up yet at 28. I am not trying to generalize. I know there are exceptions to this, but wimpy men seem to be the majority. As a Christian woman, what attracts me to a man is simple. His relationships with God and his family have to be solid. I want a man who takes pride in his work. Whose work ethic is Biblical. You who knew me well, are aware that I have a strong personality. I'm sarcastic, and blunt. I'm learning to tame my tongue, but it's a struggle. Wives are supposed to submit to their husbands. I haven't met anyone that I find worthy enough to submit to their authority. And i'm not frustrated only for myself. I have a sister who is single who deserves the absolute best. I have single friends as well, and we all wonder...."where have all the good men gone?"
I have friends who have amazing husbands, and I love looking on facebook and seeing how happy they are. But i'm slightly aggravated that I'm stuck with pimply faced, video game geeks who are still attached to mama's apron string.
This post is not supposed to be a rant. It's more a mile marker for me. Because the Lord knows the desires of my heart. I am seeking, and I know I will find. His promises are sure. When I do find him, and I blog about it, I will be so excited to see how far I've come and how good my God is.
God made Paul Newman. He really is a GOOD God. He looked down on His work, and knew that it was GOOD. LOL...I'm totally cracking myself up. oh yes! Another thing my list. Humor! I love laughing at something someone else says versus laughing at myself (which i do hourly). Little things in life that make a big difference.
Love you All,
Mary Katherine

This Too Shall Pass…
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Posted by Mary Katherine at 11:21 AMEvery once in a while I get into a funk. I've been in a funk all this weekend. It started with someone lying to me. Let me tell you something. I used to be a very good liar, or as I would call it if cornered – a story teller (it added a bit of mystic to my lies.) But now that I have grown up a bit, and have a solid relationship with my God, I don't lie anymore. So catching someone in a lie royally pisses me off. He omitted certain details so that I wouldn't know something. But I had learned of that "something" the night before, so when he didn't tell me, I got pretty irked. Ok…so we resolved that issue by mid-morning. Then around 3:00 the same afternoon, he starts sending me angry texts. Already frazzled by the morning's activity, I shut down emotionally. His anger was because of a miscommunication issue with another friend, and somehow he thought I should be the one to yell at via text. Now keep in mind I dated this man (I use that term loosely) for two years, and have finally succeeded in realizing there isn't a future with him. I give all glory to God for that. But anytime there is something that happens and he is involved, my heart still gives me a pang.
My friend invited me out with her to Northgate that night. I'm not a big drinker, so Northgate isn't my scene, but the events of the day wouldn't leave my thoughts so I thought girl time would help me recover. Noooooooooooo….because as I'm walking down the street following a drunk girl to make sure she's ok who do I run into….yep. HIM. I'm telling you folks…God has a wicked sense of humor. It was awkward and embarrassing and he wasn't nice. When we were dating he had a friend (his best friend) that he lived with, and he hated me. According to him, I was boring, and didn't drink, and all sorts of other stuff. But that was two years ago! So I see this friend along with him, and ask. "Can we please be friends now?" He responds, "No, I really have no desire to be your friend." Loooooovely. If hating wasn't a sin, I would have a serious issue. We part ways, and I spend the rest of my night sitting outside on a curb watching people make fools of themselves. Girls stumbling around in 6 inch heels and mini -skirts while their male counterparts wear tight t-shirts and sunglasses (AT NIGHT!). People are throwing up in trashcans and mimicking sex on the dance floor. I know I was raised sheltered, but how and why people think this is fun really escapes me. I'm so overwhelmed by the crappiness of my day that I call my sister at 2 in the morning. Let me tell you something y'all. My sister and I used to not get along. I still have the nail marks from our fights. But now, she is the one I go to when I need some sense walloped into me. And boy…did she wallop. She reminded me that this man is only 1/25th of my life. A blip on my road to life. She is a very wise woman, and I'm so incredibly proud of her. I hung up the phone, sidestepped the vomit piles, escorted my intoxicated friend home and crawled into bed with a new found hope. THIS TOO SHALL PASS…
I get a daily devotional from Joseph Prince. My dad suggested it, and me, being the obedient daughter that I am, obliged. This morning I woke up, turned on my worship music, and checked my email for my devotional of the day. I just wanted to share with you the awesomeness of today's entry.
Isaiah 54:14
"In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you."
WOW! Isn't that amazing?! Once we have received Christ as our Savior, we received the gift of righteousness. So we are already established in His righteousness. Storms of life happen. Stupid and sad weekends happen. But everything Satan brings up something that makes you worry…I remind myself of who I am in Christ - Perfect in righteousness! No Weapon formed against me shall stand!
Sorry this post is a bit sporadic. With all the events of the weekend swarming in my brain, I just wanted to write it and let it be just a vague memory. I let it go like a balloon that drifts away slowly on the Spring winds. I won't see it again. Praise God.
Love you all.
Mary Katherine - Perfect in Christ
Me and my sister. love her. |
My Twitterpated Heart
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Posted by Mary Katherine at 9:29 PM
So I have been experiencing an unfamiliar feeling lately. I laid eyes on a tall, good looking gentleman earlier this semester, and my heart did a bit of a pitter patter. Now the only feeling my heart has had lately has been pain due to a crappy break up that happened frickn two years ago. But this was something different. I got a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach, and everything slowed down as I gazed upon this cutie. To be quite honest, I had no idea what was going on. I thought I was coming down with a sudden fever. Nope....I was just getting all hot and bothered. So I see this cutie every Tuesday and Thursday. He's younger than me, but he's taller so I figure that it evens out. I have never contemplated asking a guy out until now. I won't...because I'm old-fashioned and he most likely thinks I'm crazy, but oh...the thought has definitely crossed my mind. I used to be a pro at flirting. I tossed my hair and batted my eyes like Bugs Bunny in drag ( looney toons reference). But I haven't used my skills in forever! As I've gotten older, I've become more of a straight shooter, and the shy glances and slight caresses that so many girls do just makes me laugh. It doesn't help that I'm brutally honest (to the point of being mean) and have no patience for the ridiculous ways girls try to capture a guy's attention. But geez louise. this guy was different. He smiled a lot. He was intelligent. He loved his family. He wore boots. He liked guns. Phew...I'm getting hot just thinking about it. So I thought that I would try my hand at flirting with him. It's been 7 weeks now, and I still hadn't gotten the courage to entice him with my oh so subtle moves. again! weird. i usually have no problem. (pisses me off!) Moving on. My sisters are the goddesses of seduction (so they think). So when I tell them about my crush, they of course want me to put together a plan of action. It's almost like a battle plan - with this guy being the goal. Laura Rebekah tells me that I need to draw attention to my lips by biting them or rubbing them. She suggests wearing a long necklace and playing with it so that he notices my cleavage (which by the way doesn't make sense to me because I don't ever wear revealing clothes, so what's he going to notice? my awesome Buckle t-shirt -FAIL). She reminds me to flip my hair and giggle....GIGGLE?! Do you not know me!? I do not giggle. it's against my religion. Another friend says I need to touch him. What reason would i have to touch him? I don't understand females. Needless to say...I got tons of advice. So yesterday, I'm talking with this gentleman and we are bantering about something. I mention a status that he had. For the record....I did not go to his wall to stalk him! It was on my newsfeed. Anyways, he pauses and looks at me and says, "Oh, so you stalk me." Yeah. I don't know when I've been more embarrassed. I am guilty of checking out his photos, and seeing if he's single or not, but I am def. NOT a stalker. My father however....I have to take a side trip and tell you about my dearest darlingest dad. I use code words if ever I'm crushing on someone. Because my sisters will tell my dad and my dad...well HE will STALK them on facebook. and he did. I slipped up and used a first name. it got back to my father, and sent me a text message saying something smart ass about this cutie. THEN he threatened to add him as a friend! WHY GOD WHY?! So...I'm thinking of my father's stalkerish tendencies and am slightly worried my dad had friend requested him. When Mr. Handsome asked me about stalking, my heart stopped beating and my face turned beet red. Thankfully, I have amazing recovery skills, and responded sarcastically. So after that encounter, we're walking toward the library, and my sister's voice is playing in my head, "touch him. don't forget to touch him. you suck at flirting. he won't know anything unless you touch him." She won't SHUT UP! So I veer to the left and he veers toward the right, and all I can think is "TOUCH HIM!" I want to kill my pretty little sister for ruining my common sense. So I touch him. I thump him on his back and say, "See ya later pal." Yes. I thumped. I didn't caress. I didn't let my fingers linger. I thumped. Like he was choking. Like he needed air. Like I'm an IDIOT! And then I walked away laughing out loud almost hysterically because I couldnt' believe what I had just done. Wow. I'm kinda amazing. I really am gifted in the art of seduction.
I won't be able to look at him tomorrow. but lesson learned. don't listen to your sister (even though she's married and I'm single.) I love my sister. but I hate her too.
I won't be able to look at him tomorrow. but lesson learned. don't listen to your sister (even though she's married and I'm single.) I love my sister. but I hate her too.
This here is my true love. Judah Alexander. He is free with his kisses, and he thinks i'm pretty. psh...who needs boys. Anyways folks, I just thought this story would make y'all laugh and we all need a good laugh.
Many Blessings, and remember ....Our God is Great!
Mary Katherine
The Lord Heals the Broken Hearted…
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Posted by Mary Katherine at 4:04 AMPsalm 34:19 "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit."
I have had my heart broken. It was put into a blender and someone hit the pulse button…time and time again. I was young, naïve and "looking for love in all the wrong places". I'm 26 now and still trying to piece back my tattered hopes and dreams. It's been a big struggle. My identity was in this boy. I loved him unconditionally and he couldn't love me back. I gave him my all, and he gave me what he could, but it wasn't enough. I blamed myself. I didn't move on. I kept on going back.
I put this boy on a pedestal. I made him my god. I worshiped him. I adored him. I broke the first commandment – "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
I honestly have a hard time believing it's taken me this long to figure it out. But something happened and that's why I've been up all night, and I still can't sleep. I get it now.
My dearest friend and her boyfriend broke up last night. She called me at 1:00 in the morning…sobbing. She's been in her relationship with him for over 5 years. She was ready for an engagement. We even went to the jeweler and tried on rings. (She did…I didn't. Rings made me nervous.) She was positive that this boy was the one. He had never said he loved her. In all the years of dating, not once had he whispered those three very important words. It was evident he cared about her, but caring isn't enough. He knew it. So that's why he made the decision to end it. Because he knew that she deserved the best. She deserved someone who was IN LOVE with her unconditionally.
So he walked away.
I admire him. It must have been the hardest thing to do, but he did it for her.
She is broken hearted. She is despairing. She doesn't understand. She doesn't deserve it. I empathize with her fully. I have been there. I have wailed. I have sobbed. I have cursed God.
I know women are emotional beings, but I believe that when we put our hope and dreams into a man. He will fail us. Unintentionally, but in the long run….he will fail. No man (or woman) should ever take the place of God. How can we serve God with our WHOLE heart, when we have given it away?! I am so guilty of this…so many of us are.
The Lord has a perfect plan for us. He promised us.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Why is it we are so full of unbelief? Why do we forget His promises? Where do we start going wrong?
My path to broken heartville began when I no longer was content to bask in the Lord's love for me. I looked elsewhere for love and acceptance and didn't trust in His goodness.
I'm opening up and revealing my vulnerability. I'm sharing my weakness. I'm acknowledging my mistakes.
I can't regret my past relationship (yes…just one) because I've learned so incredibly much. I have a solid relationship with my Savior. He is my all and all. I adore Him. I love entering into His presence. I boast in what He has done for me. He LOVES me so much more than any man could. He has written love letters to me (the Bible). I'm the most blessed girl in the entire world.
My friend will be ok. I am praying for her. And I'm confident the Lord will be there to comfort her. She is strong and the Lord loves her.
And me? I raise my hands and lift my face toward the heavens. I give a victory shout. And I thank the Lord for all that he's done…and all that he will continue to do!
Psalm 34:19 "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit."
It's One of His Many Promises.
Love you Guys,
Mary Katherine
For the Bible Tells Me So....
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Posted by Mary Katherine at 9:45 AMI’ll be honest with you. I have greatly disliked January. January is wet and cold. January hasn’t liked me either. In the past, bad things have happened. Satan has attacked and been given the temporary victory over me. Stupid Satan. I loathe him. But it was only temporary and I’m stronger than ever thanks be to God who gives me the victory! (I wanted to post a picture of a girl fighting right here but when I google searched…all I could find were half dressed animation characters. Didn’t think it really proved my point)
This January is different. You see…I have given my heart and my mind completely to the Lord of all. I study His Word, and I glean knowledge from it. It is like water to my soul. I understand so much more how to stand against the evil one. I can do nothing without Christ. Read the following scripture and get excited!
“Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
"Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints...." Ephesians 6:10-18”
Shout the victory yell! He has conquered ALL! Praise God!
I’m alone in a town that bleeds maroon, and I’m trying to rectify my past mistakes with school. I had faith that the Lord would provide. He has! I had faith He would lead me in finding an apartment and roommate that were perfect. He did! I had faith that He would restore relationships. He is! I have faith that my friends will know Him as their Savior, and worship Him. I cannot see what is happening in the natural but I know that amazing things are happening in the supernatural! I think that is why prayer is such an important part of my spiritual walk.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, ”Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances”
I do. I’m a regular Tigger now. No more Eeyore for this young lady.
On an end note……
Happy Birthday to one of the best girlfriends a gal can have – Jessica Joy! I love her and her optimism. She is a feisty, lovable and precious woman. God has really blessed me with a friend such as her.
![]() |
January 17, 2009 - Jess's Wedding Day. I'm to her left - smiling because I'm so flipping happy for her and her great husband, Mike! |
In Christ Alone...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Posted by Mary Katherine at 12:50 PMThis is one of my favorite songs. Adam, the lead singer of Owl City, has a blog, and posted the above on it. He says in his blog that he said at his piano bawling because of the truth behind the words. He says that when Jesus comes back, He will have no problem recognizing him and will say, "Well done good and faithful servant." I'm tearing up now just thinking about that. I realize I can do nothing without Christ. I love Him so much. He has taken me out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock. He is my hope and my joy and above all...He is my Savior. Listen to the song, and read the lyrics I've posted below. Close your eyes and bask in the knowledge that "God so loved the whole world, that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will NOT perish but have EVERLASTING life." John 3:16 Praise the Lord!!!
In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless Babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live, I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sins curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From a life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
?Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand
I will stand, I will stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground, all other ground
Is sinking sand, is sinking sand
So I stand.
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless Babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live, I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sins curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From a life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
?Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand
I will stand, I will stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground, all other ground
Is sinking sand, is sinking sand
So I stand.
The above is Adam's blog. I follow it. Check it out. Pray for him. He is in the world but not of it.
I love you guys,
Chivalry is Almost Dead
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Posted by Mary Katherine at 7:10 PMI have so many thoughts that I could be here forever writing down them all down, but decided to be nice and spare you my mundane ramble. promises.
I want to start my stating, “Chivalry is almost dead.” With the exception of my brothers, and the Amen boys (shout out to Mama Kim and my mama who raised them so well), men really don’t treat women with respect and gallantry. It honestly breaks my heart. What happened to bring me such frustration you ask? Well, let me tell you a little story about a good looking…jerk. This morning, I was running two minutes late to work, and I was hurrying more than usual. Ahead of me was a guy that looked to be a contractor of some sort. I know he works in my building because I have seen him park his truck, and he takes up two parking spaces! Rude. Anyways, this guy is in his late twenties, and one would think his mama taught him manners, but he got to the door before me, and didn’t hold it open! I almost walked into it. Right behind me were a mother and little girl who were going to the dentist. They almost walked into me. It was like this falling domino scenario (but thankfully without the falling). I didn’t say anything, just rolled my eyes and walked into the lobby. As fate would have it, he missed the elevator and had to ride up with all of us. He got off before us, and I, in typical Mary Katherine niceness said, “Have a great day!” He said….NOTHING. The mom riding with me kinda shook her head, and I said, “I’m sure he at least thought about responding.” She then told me, “I had doubts about his chivalry when he didn’t hold the door open for you this morning, and now this had just added to my belief that he is not at ALL a gentleman.” I nodded and went on my way. However, this little situation really has had me thinking about modern day gentlemen and how much they are lacking. Remember Mr. Darcy?! Elizabeth said, “If you had behaved in a more gentleman like manner!” He then left and wrote her a letter explaining everything. (You have to read Pride and Prejudice!!!) My point being…her rebuke…though scathing…made him consider his actions, and he resolved to do something about it. Should I have told Mister high and mighty what we women were thinking? I don’t know, but next time I see him, and he asks like a twerp . . . there will be retribution, and I can’t be responsible with what comes rolling off my tongue (crossing myself.)
I want to start my stating, “Chivalry is almost dead.” With the exception of my brothers, and the Amen boys (shout out to Mama Kim and my mama who raised them so well), men really don’t treat women with respect and gallantry. It honestly breaks my heart. What happened to bring me such frustration you ask? Well, let me tell you a little story about a good looking…jerk. This morning, I was running two minutes late to work, and I was hurrying more than usual. Ahead of me was a guy that looked to be a contractor of some sort. I know he works in my building because I have seen him park his truck, and he takes up two parking spaces! Rude. Anyways, this guy is in his late twenties, and one would think his mama taught him manners, but he got to the door before me, and didn’t hold it open! I almost walked into it. Right behind me were a mother and little girl who were going to the dentist. They almost walked into me. It was like this falling domino scenario (but thankfully without the falling). I didn’t say anything, just rolled my eyes and walked into the lobby. As fate would have it, he missed the elevator and had to ride up with all of us. He got off before us, and I, in typical Mary Katherine niceness said, “Have a great day!” He said….NOTHING. The mom riding with me kinda shook her head, and I said, “I’m sure he at least thought about responding.” She then told me, “I had doubts about his chivalry when he didn’t hold the door open for you this morning, and now this had just added to my belief that he is not at ALL a gentleman.” I nodded and went on my way. However, this little situation really has had me thinking about modern day gentlemen and how much they are lacking. Remember Mr. Darcy?! Elizabeth said, “If you had behaved in a more gentleman like manner!” He then left and wrote her a letter explaining everything. (You have to read Pride and Prejudice!!!) My point being…her rebuke…though scathing…made him consider his actions, and he resolved to do something about it. Should I have told Mister high and mighty what we women were thinking? I don’t know, but next time I see him, and he asks like a twerp . . . there will be retribution, and I can’t be responsible with what comes rolling off my tongue (crossing myself.)
I went to the dentist. And because the dentist was so cool, he allowed me to take pictures of myself in various states of misery. I posted them on facebook, but then my sister called me and told me that the just were very attractive. She’s worried that some guy will be interested in me, and the up-close shot of my cavity ridden molar will be a big turn off. Go Figure. So, I took them down because she had a good point. But I can’t help it, and I have to post them here. I think it’s funny.
I'm afraid my chances of finding a cute guy is diminished with each random picture I post, but I'm positive a man will see the twinkle in my eye and find me positively adorable. ;) I have to say right now that my siblings complete me. Tuesday nights have been my night to hang with lobo (Laura Rebekah). She got married this past April and is very much enjoyed the newlywed life. She married an amazing man who treats her well. Makes me happy. Anyhoo...Ryan (her husband) is attending Bible school and while he is there, I come over and watch certain shows - Gossip Girl, Castle and Jeopardy. LOVE LOVE love those shows. Have I mentioned that I found my future husband......
Hello Chase Crawford. I think I love you. And your sparkly blue eyes. And your kissable lips. Sigh* Sorry for my wayward thought, but have you SEEN the man!?
I think I'm going to end with that. I believe that there really isn't anything I can say that will top the smoldering glare Chase is directing toward me. Good night my friends. Sleep tight and dream of large women. (NAME THAT MOVIE!)
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