This is totally aging myself, but do any of y'all remember that commercial about the hamburger that three old ladies are eating? One of the ladies (at least ninety) opens the bun up and says in a resounding voice that is at odds with her small stature, "Where's the beef?!"
haha. I love it. And that's a little bit how I feel about men. "Where's the quality men?!" I know my posts seem to be alot about guys, and how they make me weak kneed, but I'm single. I have mom friends who write about spit up and diapers. I have newly married friends who write about their newly married life. When you blog, you write about what you are experiencing in life. I am experiencing SINGLENESS! Ugh i hate even writing it. It looks so lonely and I visualize a big fat F right beside my name in the relationship guide to life. I am pretty good at being single. I have my own thing going on. I don't even want to get married anytime soon. The thought of babies makes me start hyperventilating. There goes my freedom. I just am ready for a man. But where are these men? I see and come across a lot of pansy faced mama's boys. That is not attractive to this strong woman. I want myself a Charleston Heston.
Smoldering glare. Slight smirk. He was no shy boy. He always saved the heroine and killed the ants (What movie? Anyone know?) President of the NRA. Married a very long time. Conservative. Strong and tall. Be still my throbbing heart.
I don't know what happened between then and now. But men are no longer leaders. Women more often wear the pants. Men are lazy. Men haven't grown up yet at 28. I am not trying to generalize. I know there are exceptions to this, but wimpy men seem to be the majority. As a Christian woman, what attracts me to a man is simple. His relationships with God and his family have to be solid. I want a man who takes pride in his work. Whose work ethic is Biblical. You who knew me well, are aware that I have a strong personality. I'm sarcastic, and blunt. I'm learning to tame my tongue, but it's a struggle. Wives are supposed to submit to their husbands. I haven't met anyone that I find worthy enough to submit to their authority. And i'm not frustrated only for myself. I have a sister who is single who deserves the absolute best. I have single friends as well, and we all wonder...."where have all the good men gone?"
I have friends who have amazing husbands, and I love looking on facebook and seeing how happy they are. But i'm slightly aggravated that I'm stuck with pimply faced, video game geeks who are still attached to mama's apron string.
This post is not supposed to be a rant. It's more a mile marker for me. Because the Lord knows the desires of my heart. I am seeking, and I know I will find. His promises are sure. When I do find him, and I blog about it, I will be so excited to see how far I've come and how good my God is.
God made Paul Newman. He really is a GOOD God. He looked down on His work, and knew that it was GOOD. LOL...I'm totally cracking myself up. oh yes! Another thing my list. Humor! I love laughing at something someone else says versus laughing at myself (which i do hourly). Little things in life that make a big difference.
Love you All,
Mary Katherine

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Nice:) So many things to remark on... I often wonder if the reason I am not getting amazing men is because they're with the amazing women...I like myself quite a bit but there are soooo many things that God is refining in my life...maybe me and "beef" are both off getting refined for each other... There is a time and a purpose for everything. And why waste our sweet young years looking for a man who, once we've found him, will be with us forever... We can just enjoy ourselves and the stage we're in and thank God that He's giving us grace to fulfill our purpose for each day. I know I wasn't born just to get married. Or just to raise kids. Or just to cook. Or just to worry about not burning the steak;) No! I was made for so much more and someday all of those responsibilities will merge and I'll still be living a purposeful life with a family I love...but for now, I can read my books, dream about Paul Newman without feeling like I'm cheating on anyone, enjoy all my male friends who surely will disappear once I have that ring on my finger and feel free from the drama that comes with "love" until I have to "gird up my loins" for AHHH!!! MARRIAGE (which I'm sure will be wonderful when God deems me ready for it).
I am now following you!
"There goes my freedom"? I think I know what you were getting at, MK, but that can come across as a little offense to those of us that ADORE babies. :) Children are a blessing from the Lord...nothing to be afraid of! But of course, I come from the old-fashioned viewpoint that babies comes with the territory of being married. Not ready for babies = not ready for a husband. ;) Anyway hon, I sympathize with you because I was single for 20 years before Avery came into my life (as a suitor anyway) and waiting was, well, hell. But I think it's HARDER if you focus on your singleness instead of focusing on being YOU and become the best YOU you can be. And if you're only looking for a guy you feel is "worthy" of submitting to, you're setting yourself up for failure. Sure he may seem more than worthy on the day of your wedding, but inevitably you WILL be disappointed at some point and that's where the problems start. God calls us to be submissive. PERIOD. Not, submissive IF our husband is following God...submissive regardless of the circumstances. Sure, it's sometimes the hardest thing in the world (especially because of our pride) but it's worth it.
Anyway, just a few things that stuck out to me. :) LOVE YOU!
First, I am older than you and I do not remember this commercial AT ALL… however, I was the kid that held the clicker like it was a baby doll and changed it during the commercials, so it makes sense if I did not see this commercial. However, it does sound funny.
But about your Beef in men…where to start? First, do not hate writing singleness, think of all the different movies, tv shows, everyone always talking about their single days. They usually are not the bad time of a person’s life, and you do not have to look upon it to be a bad time in yours. And just because you are single at this age does not me you get an F at the end of your name, I think you get an A for being picky. You know what you want, and you are NOT settling for anything less. That is one of the hardest things for women to do!!! Congrats you are doing this, and doing it well. There are many women/girls that think they HAVE to be married and popping out babies by a certain age or their life will just be over with, and to achieve this settle with some guy they THINK is right for them. They end up making their life so much harder, because they end up marrying this guy, having a few kids, and then having A LOT of hard times. But to answer your question about the worthy men, they have figured it out, they have realized women will settle and they have lowered their bars because they realized they did not have to work as hard when women do all the work. They have to hurry up and beat that internal clock and just accept any guy. It is the women population that have made the men change roles…
Now, I AM one of your happily married friends. And you know me, I was the one that wasn’t going to get married, I had other plans…however, my plans apparently were not right and God showed me what he wanted me to do in life and brought a wonderful man into my life which altered my life in more than one way. And I am SOOO grateful that I was picky and did not settle and have not started having kids, just because we got married and we are a in our upper 20s. Oh and by the way when you get married you sign a marriage license, nowhere in my paper work did it say, along with this marriage comes babies. However, the sex talk I got from my parents and in school did explain the baby territory. And I totally understand “there goes my freedom” however, that is not just with babies (which I adore as long as I can give them back ), that could go along with any relationship you have. When in a relationship things get changed up, you spend less time with other people to spend time w/your partner to get to know them better, so in a way just having a relationship you can lose your freedom, if you look at it that way. ~ Again you know me, I have many views on MANY THINGS. ~ This just shows why it is good that you are picky and being patient for God to bring that “perfect” guy for you.
But when you finally do get this guy, you will still have to remain patient, because marriage is not always happy go lucky. There will always be obstacles, and that slight smirk will just drive you crazy one day. Those are the days that you really make you happy you were picky when finding a mate, because it is the small things that matter, and those small things will add up and reassure you that the two will work through it and remember why the two of you are together.
The good men are still out there, stop looking, let them take the lead, like “it’s suppose to be” and God will make sure it falls into place at the exact moment it is suppose to.
Keep on being you, doing what is right for you, and smiling. Everything happens for a reason.
P.S. Good job on writing YOUR blog, about YOUR life, living it the way YOU seem fit. Stay strong.
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